Docs / Getting started
This article explains how to integrate MDX into your project. It shows how to use MDX with your bundler and JSX runtime of choice. To understand how the MDX format works, we recommend that you start with § What is MDX. See § Using MDX when you’re all set up and ready to use MDX.
MDX relies on JSX, so it’s required that your project supports JSX as well. Any JSX runtime (React, Preact, Vue, etc.) will do. Note that we do compile JSX to JavaScript for you so you don’t have to set that up.
All @mdx-js/*
packages are written in modern JavaScript. A Node.js version of 16.0 or later is needed to use them. Our packages are also ESM only, so they have to be import
ed instead of require
Note: Using Rust instead of Node.js? Try mdxjs-rs
MDX is a language that’s compiled to JavaScript. (We also compile regular markdown to JavaScript.) The easiest way to get started is to use an integration for your bundler if you have one:
You can also use MDX without bundlers:
to compile MDX files@mdx-js/mdx
to evaluate (compile and run) MDX filesFor more info on these tools, see their dedicated sections: ¶ Next.js, ¶ Node.js, ¶ Rollup, ¶ Vite, ¶ esbuild, and ¶ webpack.
Now you’ve set up an integration or @mdx-js/mdx
itself, it’s time to configure your JSX runtime.
in ProcessorOptions
to 'preact'
; optionally install and configure @mdx-js/preact
, and set jsxImportSource
in ProcessorOptions
to 'svelte-jsx'
in ProcessorOptions
to 'vue'
; optionally install and configure @mdx-js/vue
in ProcessorOptions
to 'solid-js/h'
in ProcessorOptions
to '@emotion/react'
, then wrap your MDX content in a <ThemeProvider />
Other JSX runtimes are supported by setting jsxImportSource
in ProcessorOptions
For more info on these tools, see their dedicated sections: ¶ Emotion, ¶ Preact, ¶ React, ¶ Solid, ¶ Svelte, ¶ Theme UI, and ¶ Vue.
You can enhance the experience of using MDX by adding support of it to your editor:
The syntax highlighting that powers our VS Code extension and that is used to highlight code blocks on GitHub is maintained at wooorm/markdown-tm-language
First install the package:
npm install @types/mdx
…TypeScript should automatically pick it up:
import Post from './post.mdx' // `Post` is now typed.
Our packages are typed with TypeScript. For types to work, the JSX
namespace must be typed. This is done by installing and using the types of your framework, such as @types/react
To enable types for imported .mdx
, .md
, etc., install and use @types/mdx
. This package also exports several useful types, such as MDXComponents
which represents the components
prop. You can import them like so:
import type {MDXComponents} from 'mdx/types.js'
MDX is a programming language. If you trust your authors, that’s fine. If you don’t, it’s unsafe.
Do not let random people from the internet write MDX. If you do, you might want to look into using <iframe>
s with sandbox
, but security is hard, and that doesn’t seem to be 100%. For Node.js, vm2 sounds interesting. But you should probably also sandbox the whole OS using Docker or similar, perform rate limiting, and make sure processes can be killed when taking too long.
import mdx from '@mdx-js/esbuild'
import esbuild from 'esbuild'
entryPoints: ['index.mdx'],
format: 'esm',
outfile: 'output.js',
plugins: [mdx({/* jsxImportSource: …, otherOptions… */})]
We support esbuild. Install and configure the esbuild plugin @mdx-js/esbuild
. Configure your JSX runtime depending on which one (React, Preact, Vue, etc.) you use.
To use more modern JavaScript features than what your users support, configure esbuild’s target
import mdx from '@mdx-js/rollup'
import {babel} from '@rollup/plugin-babel'
/** @type {import('rollup').RollupOptions} */
const config = {
// …
plugins: [
// …
mdx({/* jsxImportSource: …, otherOptions… */})
// Babel is optional:
// Also run on what used to be `.mdx` (but is now JS):
extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.cjs', '.mjs', '.md', '.mdx'],
// Other options…
export default config
We support Rollup. Install and configure the Rollup plugin @mdx-js/rollup
. Configure your JSX runtime depending on which one (React, Preact, Vue, etc.) you use.
To use more modern JavaScript features than what your users support, install and configure @rollup/plugin-babel
See also ¶ Vite, if you use Rollup through it, for more info.
/** @type {import('webpack').Configuration} */
const webpackConfig = {
module: {
// …
rules: [
// …
test: /\.mdx?$/,
use: [
// Babel is optional:
{loader: 'babel-loader', options: {}},
loader: '@mdx-js/loader',
/** @type {import('@mdx-js/loader').Options} */
options: {/* jsxImportSource: …, otherOptions… */}
export default webpackConfig
We support webpack. Install and configure the webpack loader @mdx-js/loader
. Configure your JSX runtime depending on which one (React, Preact, Vue, etc.) you use.
To use more modern JavaScript features than what your users support, install and configure babel-loader
See also ¶ Next.js, if you use webpack through it, for more info.
import mdx from '@mdx-js/rollup'
import {defineConfig} from 'vite'
const viteConfig = defineConfig({
plugins: [
mdx(/* jsxImportSource: …, otherOptions… */)
export default viteConfig
We support Vite. Install and configure the Rollup plugin @mdx-js/rollup
. Configure your JSX runtime depending on which one (React, Preact, Vue, etc.) you use.
To use more modern JavaScript features than what your users support, configure Vite’s
Note: If you also use vitejs/vite-plugin-react
, you must force @mdx-js/rollup
to run in the pre
phase before it:
// …
const viteConfig = defineConfig({
plugins: [
{enforce: 'pre', ...mdx(/* jsxImportSource: …, otherOptions… */)},
react({ include: /\.(mdx|js|jsx|ts|tsx)$/ })
// …
See also ¶ Rollup which is used in Vite and see ¶ Vue if you’re using that, for more info.
This plugin:
import path from 'node:path'
import parser from '@babel/parser'
import {compileSync} from '@mdx-js/mdx'
import estreeToBabel from 'estree-to-babel'
export function babelPluginSyntaxMdx() {
// Tell Babel to use a different parser.
return {parserOverride: babelParserWithMdx}
// A Babel parser that parses MDX files with `@mdx-js/mdx` and passes any
// other things through to the normal Babel parser.
function babelParserWithMdx(value, options) {
if (options.sourceFileName && /\.mdx?$/.test(options.sourceFileName)) {
// Babel does not support async parsers, unfortunately.
return compileSync(
{value, path: options.sourceFileName},
// Tell `@mdx-js/mdx` to return a Babel tree instead of serialized JS.
{recmaPlugins: [recmaBabel], /* jsxImportSource: …, otherOptions… */}
return parser.parse(value, options)
// A “recma” plugin is a unified plugin that runs on the estree (used by
// `@mdx-js/mdx` and much of the JS ecosystem but not Babel).
// This plugin defines `'estree-to-babel'` as the compiler,
// which means that the resulting Babel tree is given back by `compileSync`.
function recmaBabel() {
this.compiler = estreeToBabel
…can be used like so with the Babel API:
import babel from '@babel/core'
import {babelPluginSyntaxMdx} from './plugin.js'
// Note that a filename must be set for our plugin to know it’s MDX instead of JS.
await babel.transformAsync(file, {filename: 'example.mdx', plugins: [babelPluginSyntaxMdx]})
You should probably use Rollup or webpack instead of Babel directly as that gives the best interface. It is possible to use @mdx-js/mdx
in Babel and it’s a bit faster, as it skips @mdx-js/mdx
serialization and Babel parsing, if Babel is used anyway.
Babel does not support syntax extensions to its parser (it has “syntax” plugins but those only turn internal flags on or off). It does support setting a different parser. Which in turn lets us choose whether to use the @mdx-js/mdx
or @babel/parser
Astro has its own MDX integration. You can add the integration with the Astro CLI: npx astro add mdx
This base setup lets you import markdown, Astro components, and MDX files as components. See Astro’s Framework components guide for info on how to use components from frameworks in your MDX files.
For more on how to combine Astro and MDX, see Astro’s MDX integration docs.
Docusaurus supports MDX by default. See Docusaurus’ MDX and React guide for info on how to use MDX with Docusaurus.
Gatsby has its own plugin to support MDX. See gatsby-plugin-mdx
on how to use MDX with Gatsby.
import nextMdx from '@next/mdx'
const withMdx = nextMdx({
// By default only the `.mdx` extension is supported.
extension: /\.mdx?$/,
options: {/* otherOptions… */}
const nextConfig = withMdx({
// Support MDX files as pages:
pageExtensions: ['md', 'mdx', 'tsx', 'ts', 'jsx', 'js'],
export default nextConfig
Next.js has its own MDX integration. Install and configure @next/mdx
Do not use providerImportSource
and @mdx-js/react
with Next to inject components. Add an mdx-components.tsx
(in src/
or /
) file instead. See Configuring MDX on
for more info.
Parcel has its own plugin to support MDX. See @parcel/transformer-mdx
on how to use MDX with Parcel.
import {compile} from '@mdx-js/mdx'
const js = String(await compile('# hi', {jsxImportSource: '@emotion/react', /* otherOptions… */}))
Emotion is supported when jsxImportSource
in ProcessorOptions
is set to '@emotion/react'
. You can optionally install and configure @mdx-js/react
to support context based component passing.
See also ¶ React, which is used in Emotion, and see ¶ Rollup and ¶ webpack, which you might be using, for more info.
# Hi!
import React from 'react'
import {Text, render} from 'ink'
import Content from './example.mdx' // Assumes an integration is used to compile MDX -> JS.
const components = {
h1(properties) {
return React.createElement(Text, {bold: true,})
p: Text
render(React.createElement(Content, {components}))
Can be used with:
node --loader=@mdx-js/node-loader example.js
Ink uses the React JSX runtime, so set that up. You will need to swap HTML elements out for Ink’s components. See § Table of components for what those are and Ink’s docs on what they can be replaced with.
See also ¶ Node.js and ¶ React for more info.
import {compile} from '@mdx-js/mdx'
const js = String(await compile('# hi', {jsxImportSource: 'preact', /* otherOptions… */}))
Preact is supported when jsxImportSource
in ProcessorOptions
is set to 'preact'
. You can optionally install and configure @mdx-js/preact
to support context based component passing.
See also ¶ Rollup, ¶ esbuild, and ¶ webpack, which you might be using, for more info.
React is supported by default. You can optionally install and configure @mdx-js/react
to support context based component passing.
See also ¶ Rollup, ¶ esbuild, and ¶ webpack, which you might be using, for more info.
Example w/o @mdx-js/react
import {base} from '@theme-ui/preset-base'
import {ThemeProvider, components} from 'theme-ui'
import Post from './post.mdx' // Assumes an integration is used to compile MDX -> JS.
<ThemeProvider theme={base}>
<Post components={components} />
Example w/ @mdx-js/react
import {base} from '@theme-ui/preset-base'
import {ThemeProvider} from 'theme-ui'
import Post from './post.mdx' // Assumes an integration is used to compile MDX -> JS.
<ThemeProvider theme={base}>
<Post />
Theme UI is a React-specific library that depends on context to access its effective components. You can install and configure @mdx-js/react
to support context based component passing.
See also ¶ Emotion, ¶ React, ¶ Rollup, and ¶ esbuild, ¶ webpack, which you might be using, for more info.
import {compile} from '@mdx-js/mdx'
const js = String(await compile('# hi', {jsxImportSource: 'svelte-jsx', /* otherOptions… */}))
Svelte is supported when jsxImportSource
in ProcessorOptions
is set to 'svelte-jsx'
See also ¶ Rollup, ¶ esbuild, and ¶ webpack, which you might be using, for more info.
import {compile} from '@mdx-js/mdx'
const js = String(await compile('# hi', {jsxImportSource: 'vue', /* otherOptions… */}))
Vue is supported when jsxImportSource
in ProcessorOptions
is set to 'vue'
. You can optionally install and configure @mdx-js/vue
to support context based component passing.
See also ¶ Vite, which you might be using, for more info.
import {compile} from '@mdx-js/mdx'
const js = String(await compile('# hi', {jsxImportSource: 'solid-js/h', /* otherOptions… */}))
Solid is supported when jsxImportSource
in ProcessorOptions
is set to 'solid-js/h'
See also ¶ Rollup and ¶ Vite, which you might be using, for more info.
MDX files can be imported in Node by using @mdx-js/node-loader
. See its readme on how to configure it.